
Bubble hair color

10:22 PM
Hi my kingdom, I decided to color my hair... As you see from the pic below the hair color is Sweet Orange from Bubble. Its korean product and its amazing. It didnt trained the same in picture but love my new hair color. That all for today Bye ♥♡... ...



Red Arrows

11:04 PM
Hi my little kingdom, On 18th of November Oman will celebrate the National holiday. Oman Roads are covered with lights and fireworks will be fired. But today there were show hosted by the Red Arrows team of the British Royal Air Force with help of Omani Royal Air Force. It was AMAZING... Hi my little kingdom, On 18th of November Oman will celebrate...



Loneliness is not good

10:34 PM
Hi my kingdom As you know that I dont have car, that why I stay late at work and Sometimes I go to the mall near to my work place. I set there in food court alone waiting for my sister to pick me up. Being alone is not good thing. At that time i wish i have someone to talk too. When I...



Happy New Hijri Year

1:08 PM
Happy New Year to All Muslims in the World ! On the Occasion of the Hijri new year. صـــبـاح أول سـنـه جـديـدة دخول عام ♡ ‏​♡ 1435 وأول أمنياتي : أن لا يريني ربي في أحبتي وأهلي وأصدقائي واصحابي آي مكروه ... واول دعاء : ربي إحفظهم اينما كانوا واحفظهم اينما ذهبو ووفقهم في اعمالهم واعطهم بحجم نواياهم واكثر إن كانت ترضيك واكتب...



Maybelline makeup box AND baby cover

1:07 PM
Hi my kingdom, Today I went for mirror shopping Maybelline was offering makeup Box as gift,the offer was to buy more then 15 RO (38.9 $) of the products. So I took the opportunity and  I bought foundation, concealer and waterproof mascara. And I bought baby cover from Zara for my older brother unborn baby. I'm so excited.  That all for know.... Bye...



Real Techniques brushis

10:02 PM
Hi my kingdom,  As I was raised, my mom and dad thought me that makeup and any girls staff are not important in my life. They told me to think twice when I go shopping and dont buy unnecessary staff. That why I never take care of that side of me. After I entered collage and start working, I realised how my look...