Candle on the sky

1:38 AM

At 12:50 AM,  I was reading TWILGHT story book... I stopped reading and thought it’s time to sleep .. if mom saw me awake till this time she will start cursing  me.. she always says that; the night is not ours .. I know what she meant and it’s true I mean I can feel them sometimes ( can’t tell you what are they because I don’t want to scare anyone  )...  anyway I want to bed and covered myself with my brown blanket that mom brought for us (me and my younger sister .. actually my sister wanted the pink colour of the blanket so we can match it with room’s colours. but we didn’t find any..( I was looking for brown and pink mixed together but I didn’t find any either )) ...
some minutes past and my younger sister was already sleeping .. the electricity in our house turned off suddenly.. I started wondering ”what is going on.. is it my imagination that electricity gone off .. wait its true it’s not my wild imagination ” .. I went outside of my room at same time my younger brother and  oldest sisters came out from their rooms.. we (me, my younger brother and my oldest sisters) start checking electrical switch case like our dad taught us but there wasn’t any problems  with switch.. we thought maybe there is a problem in main electricity generator or maybe the neighbour is effected too.. but it wasn’t ... the problem was in our house..  
we started lighting up candles.. meanwhile my dad woke up and started checking “so the electricity turned off “ he said .. “YES” we replayed in the same time. My dad knows more about electrical stuff actually... he knows everything (when he was in our age he studied a lot of things such as medical, electrical and ect ..  whenever something get damage, he fix it ) .. my dad  start speaking again “we should call for electricity emergency hotline , does anyone of you  know the number “.. I told my dad to wait because I’m going to ask about  it from numbers directory hotline and so I did. when they give me the number, I handed it to my dad. He started to dial up the number(do your best dad ) ...
After while my mom started to check on us.. it was hot night on that day so our cute mother suggested to go on the roof and sleep there ..  my sisters and brothers refuse to go but I did and so my older sister  because we love going to roof at night so we can watch the stars and start counting them .. My older sister brought  with her small candle thinking it may help us to wake on roof safely.
Before going to roof I heard a car was parking in front our house..  they were people from electricity emergency  they came to find out about the problem we were facing in the middle of night.
I took with me TWILIGHT book  that my older sister got it for me as gift (she now me.. after watching the movie I have to read the real book )... I used that small candle to continue reading story.
While I was reading , the candle light attracting me that make me to stop reading. I started thinking about this candle with small fire on it. This small light is showing me the beauty of the dark night and make me to think how people used to use this fire to light there way before electrical revolution start.. it’s really amazing ..
I start looking at the sky.. it was black.. I can’t find the stars .. I wished that people in our neighbour can turn off the lights, so I can see the stars perfectly us we did when we went camping in wild last year. The stars looked wonderful at that time.
 I start feeling the wind passing through.. it make me feel happy. The coolness of the wind make you forget the hot weather .
By the way taking about Electricity:
My older sister want to my dad to ask him about the problem . my dad said briefly “ the wires were badly damage..  it may case fire but thanks to Allah it didn’t.. they are fixing right know “
After some minutes.. the  electricity come back ... I was happy but at the same time I was sad.. because I have to say goodbye to my little candle ..

WAIT ...
Electricity turn off again so we’re still together my friends and so you are my little candle.. 
I can still see the electrical emergency man is trying to fix it again.. poor electrical emergency man we wake him up at this time of night. All I can say to him is DO YOUR BEST electrical emergency man and THANK YOU.
the  electricity come back AGAIN and it was stable.. thank you Allah
my dad start checking the lights and ACs if they are working but some of them was working but not all of them. My dad said “they will come back again at the morning to check and fix all the weirs”.
 I don’t know how many minutes I was sitting on the roof.. looking at my phone Its 2:30 AM .. I think it’s bed time .. my little candle with small fire on it I think it’s a real goodbye.. bye bye..  

P.S:  (I couldn’t sleep that night until the time was 3 and something )
                                                                                                                                                                Candle on the sky

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