Hello everyone Today is the EID A wonderfull day with joy and familly gathering Wish for you happy EID Hello everyone Today is the EID A wonderfull day with joy and familly gathering Wish for you happy EID ...
Dear my Kingdom, I got a job as IT Coordinator and at the same time I'm student in college My work start at 9 AM but I reached to the work at 8 and finish at 5 PM but I go out at 5:30 PM because i don't have CAR T.T . Today, I have Japanese class with my...
Today at 7 PM , Me and My sisters was Invited to dinner in Japanese Embassedor Residence with ambassador George Hisaeda and his wife. he also invited spacial guest from japan J POP singer MayJ. MayJ-san is wonderful person, we talked about jpop, cultures , languages and her visit in Dubai and Oman. After the dinner she sing for us a song.>>i love...
new Japaneses drama パパ は イドル りょさんはかわいね >.< you can watch it online in epdrama.com papa wa idol first episode ...