
dinner in Japanese Embassedor Residence with ambassador

12:47 AM

Today at 7 PM , Me and My sisters was Invited to dinner in Japanese Embassedor Residence with ambassador George Hisaeda and his wife. he also invited spacial guest from japan  J POP singer MayJ. 

 MayJ-san is wonderful person, we talked about jpop, cultures , languages and her visit in Dubai and Oman. After the dinner she sing for us a song.>>i love it  (><)Y

>>> Our dinner yamiiiii

the amazing part was when they  made  a Surprise video for one of the girls. Guess who was in the video !!  ARASHI  member Jun Matsumoto ><    . i envy that girl, i wish it was for me T.T

we really had fun, Me HAPPY (><)Y

MayJ-san  I'm happy that i meet you and I loved your song very much &  looking forward 2 your concert tomorrow ♥♥ . and ambassador-san thank you for amazing dinner.

 Thank you for the gift <3

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