Hi my Kingdom, Its been long time that i didn't Post and I really missed you... I was very busy in the last weeks, but today i will tell you my all new updates in my life Gifts from PARIS: My sister went to Paris for workshop from her work and brought from me these gifts which I really Like.. Welcome Back...
Hi my kingdom, I decided to color my hair... As you see from the pic below the hair color is Sweet Orange from Bubble. Its korean product and its amazing. It didnt trained the same in picture but love my new hair color. That all for today Bye ♥♡... ...
Hi my little kingdom, On 18th of November Oman will celebrate the National holiday. Oman Roads are covered with lights and fireworks will be fired. But today there were show hosted by the Red Arrows team of the British Royal Air Force with help of Omani Royal Air Force. It was AMAZING... Hi my little kingdom, On 18th of November Oman will celebrate...
Hi my kingdom As you know that I dont have car, that why I stay late at work and Sometimes I go to the mall near to my work place. I set there in food court alone waiting for my sister to pick me up. Being alone is not good thing. At that time i wish i have someone to talk too. When I...
Happy New Year to All Muslims in the World ! On the Occasion of the Hijri new year. صـــبـاح أول سـنـه جـديـدة دخول عام ♡ ♡ 1435 وأول أمنياتي : أن لا يريني ربي في أحبتي وأهلي وأصدقائي واصحابي آي مكروه ... واول دعاء : ربي إحفظهم اينما كانوا واحفظهم اينما ذهبو ووفقهم في اعمالهم واعطهم بحجم نواياهم واكثر إن كانت ترضيك واكتب...
Hi my kingdom, Today I went for mirror shopping Maybelline was offering makeup Box as gift,the offer was to buy more then 15 RO (38.9 $) of the products. So I took the opportunity and I bought foundation, concealer and waterproof mascara. And I bought baby cover from Zara for my older brother unborn baby. I'm so excited. That all for know.... Bye...
Hi my kingdom, As I was raised, my mom and dad thought me that makeup and any girls staff are not important in my life. They told me to think twice when I go shopping and dont buy unnecessary staff. That why I never take care of that side of me. After I entered collage and start working, I realised how my look...
Hi my kingdom. Its weekend, and im so lazy to do any work. EID is coming, so I went shopping with my sisters. Went to buy new clothes for Eid ( I know I'm too late, I should do it earlier but I was busy ( ̄_ ̄*) ). But I didnt like anything (-、-) . When I go shopping, im so PICKY. The only...
Hi my Kingdom, Tomorrow is going to be a very long day because I have Work and CollegeOo。。( ̄_ ̄*) Its my final year in college. I have two subjects left. Final Project and System Software. Which mean I have two classes per week (-.-)Y . To be honest, im not prepared for the project. In my time table there is new teacher for project...
Hi my dear Kingdom. Last time I wrote to you that my family went to Barcelona for vacation. Yesterday at early morning thay have returned back to Oman. WELCOME HOME MY DEARS ♥ Thay brought very amazing gifts for me. And I really do love them ≧0≦. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU (´ε` )♡ Mom brought for me an apron because she...
Yesterday I went to Chocomania cafe. It was brawn like chocolate. I had mashrmoll hot chocolate. It was nice and speaking about mashrmoll, it was my first time trying it. It was yamiiiiii. Love it (´∀`)♡ . I uploaded some pictures. Dont miss it (^_−)☆ . ...
My mom, brother and sisters went barcalona for veciton. They send us really nice pictures. I wish I went with them. I upload some of photos they take. Enjoy.. ...
Why does people say that im stupid. Is it becouse im telling the truth or im stupid (=_=). & why my mom keep asking me to get married. Im not the one who should propose (*≧m≦*). And when ever someone propose to my sisters and they refuse, she really get madヽ(≧Д≦)ノ. (ー_ー)!! ...
Hi my Kingdom,ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ Its been really long time that I didnt wrote anything. I miss u a lot.\(^o^)/A lot of things going on I my life. My Work for example, I have learned a lot of thinks that are not my major. I feel so happy.(≧∇≦)b My studies will start in the end of this month. Wish me luck.(≧ω≦) And other things...
Sprained ankle and my mom Traditional Treatments. The picture tells alot. It look weird (^^ゞ ...
Tomto Burchetta made by me (★^O^★) Click on =》Instgram ...
Ne Kingdom, Today, My Mom surprise me with another amazing gift. A Gold made Necklace with shape of heart and inside it there is a lucky Clover I was speechless, totally speechless, surprise, I was happy and I want to cry T^T . Thank you MOM ♡♥ I will treasure this bracelet and Necklace that you give it me with my life. Im...
FOUND TO BE TRUE FROM ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. 1.Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee. 2.Law of Gravity - Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner. 3. Law of Probability - The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the...
Hi my Kingdom, You know, Today Mom sprised me with amazing gift. A Gold made Bracelet. I was speechless, I dont know what to do, I was happy and I wanted to cry T^T . Thank you MOM ♡♥ I will keep this bracelet and I will treasure it. LOVE YOU MOM ...
Hi, I feel uneasy. I want to talk to somone but cant find any. Every one is busy with his own life and they have enough problems of there own, why should I increase it more. Right know I want to cry. I may tell myself there is no reason to cry just to cheer myself, but deep in my heart there is...
Oman Royal Guard participates in Australia festival in Victoria state in April. Very nice music and dance that made foreigners dance too \ = D / Please check the below link: Oman Music in Australia Bye bye .... :D ...
At 4 PM my sister nana come to pick me up from work, the weather was cloudy and nice but when we reached near to my home (normally its takes 30 minutes to reach home), Its start raining heavily. I couldn't see the road. For me its scary becouse im not used to this kind of weather(Oman known with hot weather ヽ(´ー`) At...
Good Morning, Its fully raining in Oman. The weather broadcaster in my phone showning "Thander Storm". My Mom went to work but she returned back because they anawnc in the radio there us no school <<lucky. I should be in the work by know but I cant go out from the house. My sister friend took this picture at early Morning. ...
ヾ(* ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄▽ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄*)ノこんばんわ♪ I had a bad day today, I was depressed for no reason ヽ(゜ロ゜;)ノ maybe becouse of the weather(-_-) . It was cloudy. Time is 9; 03 pm and it's raining outside. Very cold (-、-). I love rain but I dont like cold weather (-、-) またネェ~(≧◇≦)/゙゙゙゙ヾ おやさみなさい \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/ ...
Hi (≧∇≦)/ HAPPY MOTHER DAY MOM (-^〇^-) I know one day has passed for mother day, but what we do? Everyone is busy at home. Two of my sisters have to go to work and my big brother was invited in my sister in low family house. Any way we celebrate it today and my mom was happy. And that all I want....
Hi my dear friends, Yesterday I went to Yanni concert. It was amazing. Yanni is amazing person and he was funny too. I liked his friend Mr. Drums (sorry I dont know his name (^^;) ) , he was so funny and he played on drums amazingly. I really enjoyed it. Hi my dear friends, Yesterday I went to Yanni concert. It was...
(=^0^=)/ hiiii Today is my birthday. I'm 23 years old. 2 days ago (27th of February >> my sister ano birthday) I planed with my others sisters to do a surprise party for her and it worked. She was happy. But the think is my sisters planed another surprise party for me on the same day. I was totally surprised (」゜ロ゜)」 and it...
Tomorrow is my birthday but my sisters did a surprise for me yesterday. It was amazing party and I love it. Thx sisters, mom, sister-in-low and Cuzins. ...
I had bad dream about someone I care about and this someone s very close to my family. In the dream I saw that person was dead in big hole in my house and he was caverd with white clothe. Im so afraid of losing that person. I wish it well not happen. ...
Im tired, sick and wants to cry. I dont know what to do. College, final project, ccna, work , japanese class, brother wedding and cuzin engagement . all in one time Im so stupid... and i didnt finish anything and i know doing all this at ones well not solve anything.. I need to relax. Can some one tell me what to do...