1st of March
10:59 PM(=^0^=)/ hiiii
Today is my birthday. I'm 23 years old.
2 days ago (27th of February >> my sister ano birthday) I planed with my others sisters to do a surprise party for her and it worked. She was happy. But the think is my sisters planed another surprise party for me on the same day. I was totally surprised (」゜ロ゜)」 and it made me happy ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
I know you will ask yourself why it was two days earlier? 「(゚ペ) エットォ…
Becouse today my mom invited my siste-in-low family for lunch, and we were totally busy from the early morning. Going to store to buy some needed staff, cooking and cleaning.
I'm so tired know, but it was fun.
Im soooo sleepy. Good night and sweet dreams オ((゚0゚| ヤ((゚o| ス((゚| ミ!((三[家]o_ω_)ozZZ