ヾ(* ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄▽ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄*)ノこんばんわ♪ I had a bad day today, I was depressed for no reason ヽ(゜ロ゜;)ノ maybe becouse of the weather(-_-) . It was cloudy. Time is 9; 03 pm and it's raining outside. Very cold (-、-). I love rain but I dont like cold weather (-、-) またネェ~(≧◇≦)/゙゙゙゙ヾ おやさみなさい \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/ ...
Hi (≧∇≦)/ HAPPY MOTHER DAY MOM (-^〇^-) I know one day has passed for mother day, but what we do? Everyone is busy at home. Two of my sisters have to go to work and my big brother was invited in my sister in low family house. Any way we celebrate it today and my mom was happy. And that all I want....
Hi my dear friends, Yesterday I went to Yanni concert. It was amazing. Yanni is amazing person and he was funny too. I liked his friend Mr. Drums (sorry I dont know his name (^^;) ) , he was so funny and he played on drums amazingly. I really enjoyed it. Hi my dear friends, Yesterday I went to Yanni concert. It was...
(=^0^=)/ hiiii Today is my birthday. I'm 23 years old. 2 days ago (27th of February >> my sister ano birthday) I planed with my others sisters to do a surprise party for her and it worked. She was happy. But the think is my sisters planed another surprise party for me on the same day. I was totally surprised (」゜ロ゜)」 and it...