
She got married ..

8:11 AM

Dear Rei, I met you in 2007 at the college library. Our friend ilumi introduced u to me as game lover.. I was happy to meet someone who likes RPG games as I did.. she was tiny, slim girl and didnt put any makeup but 3 month older then me.

Years goes by and here you are getting married, I cant believe my best friend got married. REI you looked amazing, beautiful .. I cant describe it .. I do remember Rei saying she will never get married but u have become the first one who did between our group of friendship.

Yesterday,  I couldn't stay more at your wedding for two reasons.  2ed reason is my dad, because he doesn't allows me to go out after 7 pm so I have snuck out.. the 1st reason is I couldn't control my self to cry and I promised you I wont cry in front of you But I couldn't hold my self. And I saw how your mom cried yesterday so I didn't want you cry because u can cry easily.

To my Dear friend REI, please live your life as you do and be more happy. Cant wait to see your babys  XP

Yuna Noona

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