Dear my Kingdom, yesterday I was so negative, but somehow i start listening to music and start dancing like wired way. Some how it helps me. I start cleaning my rooms and start watching 2 broken girls.. Love you .. ...
What should i do about negative thoughts(♯`∧´) What should i do about negative thoughts(♯`∧´) ...
Hiiiii my kingdom,How are you ?! Oh oh oh its beeen long time. My emotions are getting worse. I have no idea what to do!! I wish i can manage it with work but i cant.. What whould i do?! ...
Dear kingdom, I feel alone.. Im just sitting like this nothing to do.. I dont want to go malls or visiting others. Im so tried to face somone with smile. I keep asking people to go have fun together but they keep telling me they dont have time or something like that, I thought they are busy and i tell myself maybe next time,...
Hello my kingdom, March 1st is my birthday and my wish come true!! I always wanted to see snow; on march 1st i saw it. It was amazing feelings. I love it Love you Allah C U ...
Hello there my kingdom, How are you ?!Today blog is about what i did, I went with my mom and sisters to KARGEEN restaurant for breakfast. Its kind of old style theme of Omani culture. Inside the table you will find old clothes and accessories The Oman traditional breakfast The arabic breakfast At night it starts raining. It was beautiful. Thats all C U XXX Yuna Noona ...
Hi kingdom, Its been long day today, I feel so tired for some reason. I feel angry and i want to hit someone or scream. I think scream is better. Anyway. I want to city and bought for myself new powder and mascara but i recived eyeliner as gift. Then i want to home center and i saw this; I like it alot C U XXX ...