29th of April
12:52 PMHi my Kingdom,
This year started with bad accident for mom, later on it started to get better when my sister got engaged on March 29th, 2014. But, after one month, my uncle died suddenly. He wasn't sick .He died normally in his nap as hospital reports confirmed ..
He was Kind like his name (latief) and he was in his 40's.. He was a cooool uncle, kind, funny and amazing person. I couldn't cry in his funeral .. I though I have to be stronger for mom.. She was so tired mentally and physically.
One week has passed since his death, but i still feel he is here with us.. I always remember his words when he comfort my mom at the time she did the accident. when my mom hospitalized, i do remember how we fight for Patch Chocolates. And when he start playing candy crush with mom. He was 14 years old when my older sister "Nash" was born, she used to play with him a lot when she was kid. ...
May his Soul rest in Peace and Allah's Mercy ...
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه واكرم نزله ووسع مدخله واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد ونقه من الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الابيض من الدنس وابدله دار خيرا من داره واهلا خيرا من اهله وزوجا خيرا من زوجه وادخله الجنه واعذه من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار
He was Kind like his name (latief) and he was in his 40's.. He was a cooool uncle, kind, funny and amazing person. I couldn't cry in his funeral .. I though I have to be stronger for mom.. She was so tired mentally and physically.
One week has passed since his death, but i still feel he is here with us.. I always remember his words when he comfort my mom at the time she did the accident. when my mom hospitalized, i do remember how we fight for Patch Chocolates. And when he start playing candy crush with mom. He was 14 years old when my older sister "Nash" was born, she used to play with him a lot when she was kid. ...
May his Soul rest in Peace and Allah's Mercy ...
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه واكرم نزله ووسع مدخله واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد ونقه من الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الابيض من الدنس وابدله دار خيرا من داره واهلا خيرا من اهله وزوجا خيرا من زوجه وادخله الجنه واعذه من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار